ROLLING STONES - S/T Self-TitleD - AMIGA Records 12" Vinyl LP Album

The "ROLLING STONES - Self-Titled" album on AMIGA Records encapsulates the dynamic musical evolution of the iconic band during 1965-1968. This 12" vinyl LP serves as a compilation, showcasing the Stones' artistic progression within the given time frame. With a blend of timeless classics, it reflects the band's influential contributions to the music scene, leaving an indelible mark on the cultural landscape of that era.

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Collector's notes for ROLLING STONES - Self-Titled AMIGA ( detailed background information on the persons working on this album)

This ROLLING STONES - Self-Titled AMIGA can be identified / distinguished by the following attributes :

Album Front Cover Details:

  • The album front cover has a group photo of The Rolling Stones band-members and in the bottom right corner the band-name.

Album Back Cover Details:

How does the album back cover be different from other versions

  • The upper right corner of the album back cover has: 16,10 M STEREO 8 55 885
  • There is NO barcode on the album cover
  • Bottom left corner, last line: "Ubernahme von Teldec Schallplatten GMBH., Hamburg/BRD
  • Bottom right cornere, last two paragraphs:

Made In Germany Democratic Republic

Gestaltung Bernd Scheubert
Lithografie und Druck: VEB Gothe-Druck
Ag 511/01/82A Verpackung nach TGL 10609

Album Record Label Details:

Record label information:

  • The labels on this recored are in Dark Red colour
  • Near the top of the label is printed AMIGA in a very large font
  • Near 11 o'clock is the Rights Society "AWA"
  • Near 3 o'clock is the catalognr "8 55 885"
  • There is NO label code
  • The rim-text on the label runs from 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock and is printed in the German language.
Album Fact Sheet: ROLLING STONES - Self-Titled AMIGA
Album Description:

The music industry has witnessed numerous iconic albums that have left an indelible mark on popular culture. One such album is the 1982 self-titled release by the Rolling Stones. However, what makes this particular version unique is its release in East Germany on Amiga Records with the catalog number AMIGA – 8 55 885.

The 1980s marked a crucial period for global politics, with the Cold War dividing the world into two ideological camps. East Germany, known as the German Democratic Republic (GDR), was under the influence of the Soviet Union and operated within a restrictive socialist framework. Despite political and cultural limitations, music remained a potent means of expression for individuals seeking freedom and a connection to the outside world.

The Rolling Stones, a British rock band formed in 1962, had become one of the most influential and enduring acts in rock music history by the 1980s. Known for their rebellious attitude, energetic performances, and iconic hits, they were a symbol of counter-culture and youth rebellion. Their music resonated with audiences worldwide, transcending borders and ideologies.

Amiga Records, the state-owned record label of East Germany, was responsible for producing and distributing music within the country. The release of the Rolling Stones' self-titled album on Amiga Records with the catalog number AMIGA – 8 55 885 marked a significant cultural event. It provided music enthusiasts in East Germany with access to Western music and a glimpse into the outside world.

The availability of the Rolling Stones' album on Amiga Records in East Germany was a testament to the enduring power of music as a catalyst for change. It offered a form of escapism for individuals living under the repressive regime of the GDR, allowing them to connect with a global cultural phenomenon. The album's popularity demonstrated that the desire for freedom and self-expression could not be stifled, even within the confines of a socialist state.

Furthermore, the album's release on Amiga Records represented a rare instance of Western music being officially sanctioned and disseminated in East Germany. It served as a cultural bridge, providing East German citizens with a taste of the music that defined the Western world. The Rolling Stones' album challenged the state's attempts to control and restrict cultural influences, subtly undermining the authority of the regime.

Music Genre:

 Classic Rock, Blues-Rock, R&B 

Album Production information:

Album Liner Notes: Ingolf Haedicke

Album cover design: Bernd Scheubert

Transcript of the original liner notes (German Language)

The Rolling Stones — das Fluidum des Pro-vokanten der 60er Jahre verblaßt. Was bleibt, sind Erinnerungen an die einst "härteste Rockband der Welt". Dieser vom Management und Journalismus geprägte Begriff ist eher geeignet, die Life-Auftritte der Rolling Stones zu charakterisieren, nicht aber ihre Songs. Wesentlicher ist: sie leisteten in den frühen 60er Jahren neben den Beatles den wohl wichtigsten Beitrag zur Entwicklung der modernen Rockmusik. Alles das einbeziehen und berücksichtigen, sowohl die ständige Provokation (schockierende Plattencover, zweifelhafte Texte, aggressives Auftreten), als auch viele großartige Songs, aber auch das unproduktive Verharren in der einmal entwickelten und erprobten Schablone in den 70er und 80er Jahren, so mag vielleicht ein umfassendes Bild der englischen Gruppe The Rolling Stones (Landstreicher, Rollende Steine) gelingen.

Diese Widersprüchlichkeit ist nur zu erklären angesichts der Geburtswehen eines neuen Genres, das sich Anfang der 60er Jahre etablierte — einerseits der frühe Höhenflug, verbunden mit übertriebenem Abgrenzungsgebaren, andererseits das Erkennen von Grenzen, das Zurückfallen in die schlichte Produktion von Rockmusik. Der Ehrgeiz, Neues zu entwickeln verlischt, das erprobte Rezept wird Jahr für Jahr bis zur Gegenwart in klingende Münze verwandelt. Der persönliche Reifeprozeß, das Älter-werden wird hinter Rockschablonen "versteckt", die Idee des ewig Jungbleibens ständig aufs Neue suggeriert. Einige Aspekte sollen uns helfen, das Besondere der Rolling Stones Songs zu verstehen.

1. Die Behauptung, die Rolling Stones seien als Alternativgruppe zu den Beatles vom Management aufgebaut worden, stimmt höchstens in Bezug auf das Äußerliche ihres Auftretens. Zu verschieden waren die musikalischen Quellen beider Gruppen. Die Beatles verdanken ihre entscheidenden Anregungen der städtisch proletarischen Volksmusik Liverpools, auch Merseybeat genannt, während die Rolling Stones in London groß wurden, dem Zentrum des weißen englischen Blues, repräsentiert durch Alexis Korner und John Mayall. Fast alle Mitglieder der Rolling Stones spielten eine Zeitlang in der Blues incorporated Band von Alexis Korner. Es waren dies Mick Jagger (1943) voc; Keith Richard (1943) g; Brian Jones (1942) g und Charlie Watts (1941) dr. Nach dem frühen Tod Brian Jones im Jahre 1969 wurde Mick Taylor (1948) aufgenommen.

Er war vorher Gitarrist bei John Mayall. Nach seinem Ausscheiden 1974 nahm seinen Platz Ron Wood (1947) ein. Von Anfang an dabei war der Baßgitarrist Bill Wyman (1936). Die musikalische Herkunft, der Blues, prägte fast alle Songs. Kein noch so zwingendes Management hätte die Rolling Stones zu einer anderen Musik überreden können, nachdem der Blues ihnen in Fleisch und Blut übergegangen war. Das betrifft keines-falls nur den formalen Aspekt (Blues-schema), sondern die ganze Art und Weise der Darbietung. Dies äußert sich vor allem in dem ausdrucksvollen Sprechgesang des "Nur Sängers" Mick Jagger. Er versteht es, alle Register der menschlichen Stimme zur Gestaltung der Songs einzusetzen. Die Skala reicht vom sprechenden Singen über-kontrolliertes Schreien bis hin zu geflüsterten Passagen und klaren sauber gesunge-nen Melodien.

Seine Stimme wird zum wichtigen Instrument und bestimmt wesentlich das Klangbild des jeweiligen Titels. Das ist einer der schlüssigen Verweise auf die Tradition des Bluessängers. Nicht das Singen der vorgegebenen Melodie wird wichtig, sondern die gefühlsmäßige Gestaltung, dem Text und der jeweiligen Situa-tion angepaßt. Die Show der Rolling Stones ist einerseits Show im Sinne des Wortes, aber das gestische Gebaren Mick Jaggers und der übrigen Mitglieder ist auch die Umsetzung emotionaler Spannungen und Erregungen in eine Art Körpersprache, wie wir sie schon lange von Jazzmusikern, Blues-sängern und religiösen Gemeindesängern der Afroamerikaner kennen. Solch eine Körpersprache wirkt-ansteckend auf die Zuhörer. Helfen dann noch Sensationspresse und verantwortungslose Konzertmanager nach, so ist das Chaos vorprogrammiert.

2. Die Grundlage vieler Songs sind eingängige, ständig sich wiederholende Motive, auch Riffs genannt und ostinate Baßfiguren. Sie machen die Struktur eines Titels durchsichtig und leicht durchschaubar (Beispiel 1-7). Es fällt auf, daß der Ablauf stets der gleiche ist: eine aufsteigende Linie wird sofort wieder auf den Ausgangspunkt zurückgeführt. Außerdem ähneln sich manche Riffs verblüffend (vergl. Bsp. 4 mit Bsp. 6). Es sei ausdrücklich betont, daß dies keine Abwertung bedeuten soll. Ein gefundenes Schema muß immer mit Erfindungsreichtum gekoppelt sein, um wirksam zu werden. Ohne Perfektion und Sinn für Klang-farbengestaltung, gekoppelt mit der Kunst des Weglassens — sprich sparsames Arrangement — kann kein Konzept so vielfältig variiert werden, wie es die Rolling Stones vorführten und vorführen. Diese musikalisch einfache Grundstruktur ist das hervorstechende Merkmal der meisten Rolling Stones Songs und verleiht ihnen die besonders kraftvolle Ausstrahlung.

Dieser Querschnitt repräsentiert die produktivste Phase der Rolling Stones, und zwar die Jahre von 1965 (Satisfaction) bis 1969 (Honky Tonk Woman).
Ingolf Haedicke (1982)

Record Label & Catalognr:

 AMIGA – 8 55 885

Record Format:

 12" Hi-Fi Vinyl Stereo Gramophone Record
Total Album (Cover+Record) weight: 230 gram  

Year & Country:

  1982 East-Germany, German Democratic Republic (GDR)
High Resolution and Quality Photos of Complete Album Covers  "ROLLING STONES - Self-Titled AMIGA "

Click on the images below and use the zoom-buttons to enlarge the images and reveal more details of the cover photos.

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Album Back Cover  Photo of "ROLLING STONES - Self-Titled AMIGA "
Large Hires Photo  
Enlarged & Zoomed photo of "ROLLING STONES - Self-Titled AMIGA " Record's Label

Using the marked/"highlighted" rectangles below , you will be able to correctly identify this release of the album.

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Personnel/Band Members and Musicians on: ROLLING STONES - Self-Titled AMIGA
    Band-members, Musicians and Performers
  • Mick Jagger - Lead Vocals
  • Keith Richards - Guitars, Vocals
  • Brian Jones - Guitars
  • Bill Wyman - Bass
  • Charlie Watts - Drums
Complete Track-listing of the album "ROLLING STONES - Self-Titled AMIGA "

The detailed tracklist of this record "ROLLING STONES - Self-Titled AMIGA " is:

    Track-listing Side One:
  1. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction 3:46
  2. Let's Spend The Night Together 3:36
  3. Lady Jane 3:07
  4. As Tears Go By 2:43
  5. Paint It, Black 3:15
  6. Get Off Of My Cloud 2:55
  7. She's A Rainbow 4:07
    Track-listing Side Two:
  1. Jumpin' Jack Flash 3:38
  2. Ruby Tuesday 3:18
  3. 2000 Light Years From Home 4:44
  4. The Last Time 3:35
  5. We Love You 4:21
  6. Honky Tonk Woman 3:02
  7. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow ? 2:33

The Rolling Stones Vinyl Discography: Album Covers, Descriptions & International Releases (1962-1989)

Over the decennia the line-up of "The Rolling Stones" has been changed several times read the mini-biographies of the best known stones

ROLLING STONES - Aftermath (Decca Records and London Records)
ROLLING STONES - Aftermath (Decca Records and London Records) album front cover vinyl record

The Rolling Stones' "Aftermath" (1966) stands as a pivotal moment in rock history, showcasing the band's songwriting prowess and sonic experimentation. The UK and US versions differ slightly, but both feature classics like "Paint It, Black" and "Under My Thumb."

Aftermath Netherlands Release on Decca Records Aftermath Netherlands Release on London Records )
ROLLING STONES - Around and Around Two different releases
ROLLING STONES - Beggars Banquet Two different releases
 album front cover vinyl record

"Around and Around" isn't just another Rolling Stones album, it's a raw, bluesy ride showcasing their early energy. Released in 1964, this LP features covers and originals, capturing the essence of their live shows. Tracks like "It's All Over Now" and the title track prove why they became rock legends.

Around and Around German 1970 Release - Around and Around Holland 1970 Release
ROLLING STONES - Beggars Banquet Two different releases
ROLLING STONES - Beggars Banquet Two different releases
 album front cover vinyl record

Ah, "Beggars Banquet" from 1968, now that's a landmark release! This album marked a return to the Stones' bluesy roots, but with a darker, more mature edge. You'll find classics like "Sympathy for the Devil" and "Street Fighting Man," showcasing their raw power and social commentary

British release of Beggars Banquet German Release of Beggars Banquet
ROLLING STONES - Between the Buttons (Three Album Cover Variations)
ROLLING STONES - Between the Buttons (Three Album Cover Variations) album front cover vinyl record

"Between the Buttons," released in 1967, is a fascinating album showcasing the Rolling Stones' creative evolution. It's known for having three distinct album cover variations, each a collector's item in its own right! The music itself blends psychedelia, pop, and their classic rock 'n' roll sound

Between Buttons German Release Between The Buttons Israel Release Between the Buttons West-German Release )
ROLLING STONES - Big Hits (High Tide and Green Grass) (Multiple European Versions)
ROLLING STONES - Big Hits (High Tide and Green Grass)  (Multiple European Versions) album front cover vinyl record

Now, "Big Hits (High Tide and Green Grass)" is a real treat for anyone new to the Rolling Stones or looking for a perfect overview of their early, energetic sound. Released in 1966, this compilation packs a punch with hits like "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction," "Get Off of My Cloud," and "The Last Time."

Big Hits (High Tide And Green Grass) German Release - Big Hits (High Tide and Green Grass) Israel PAX Record Big Hits (High Tide and Green Grass) Special Edition Netherlands
ROLLING STONES - Black and Blue
ROLLING STONES - Black and Blue (1976, Holland) album front cover vinyl record

Rolling Stones Records 1A 062-63187 / CUN 59105A  , 1976 , Holland

"Black and Blue" (1976) is a fascinating snapshot of the Stones in transition. Released after Mick Taylor's departure, it features guest guitarists like Wayne Perkins and Harvey Mandel vying for the coveted spot. The album's a funky, bluesy ride with standouts like "Hot Stuff" and "Fool to Cry."

Black and Blue (1976, Holland) 12" Vinyl LP
ROLLING STONES - Collector's Only
ROLLING STONES - Collector's Only album front cover vinyl record

DECCA 6.24321 , Year , Made in Germany

The ROLLING STONES - COLLECTOR'S ONLY 12" Vinyl LP Album is a rare find for any music enthusiast. One of the highlights is Mick Jagger showcasing his linguistic skills by singing a song entirely in Italian, adding a unique touch to this already exceptional collector's item.

Collector's Only 12" Vinyl LP
ROLLING STONES - December's Children (and everybody's)
ROLLING STONES - December's Children (and everybody's)
 album front cover vinyl record

London PS 451   , , USA

"December's Children (And Everybody's)" is a pivotal Rolling Stones album, showcasing their evolution from blues covers to original songwriting. Released in 1965, it features hits like "Get Off of My Cloud" alongside R&B-infused tracks and Dylan-esque ballads, capturing the band's raw energy

December's Children (and everybody's) 12" Vinyl LP
ROLLING STONES - Dirty Work (1986, Europe) album front cover vinyl record

 Rolling Stones Records – CBS 86321 , 1986 , Europe

"Dirty Work", a 1986 Rolling Stones release, reflects a tense period in the band's history with Jagger/Richards at odds. It's a raw, guitar-heavy album, less polished than their earlier work, but still packs a punch with hits like "Harlem Shuffle" and the defiant "One Hit (To the Body)"

Dirty Work (1986, Europe) 12" Vinyl LP
ROLLING STONES - Emotional Rescue (Dutch and German Releases)
ROLLING STONES - Emotional Rescue (Dutch and German Releases) album front cover vinyl record

The Dutch and German pressings of the Rolling Stones' "Emotional Rescue" offer a unique listening experience for vinyl enthusiasts. These 1980 releases boast exceptional audio quality, capturing the album's blend of disco, rock, and ballads with clarity and warmth.

Dutch Release of "Emotional Rescue" incl Poster German Release of "Emotional Rescue"
ROLLING STONES - Exile On Main Street
ROLLING STONES - Exile On Main Street (1972, Netherlands)
 album front cover vinyl record

   Rolling Stones Records – COC 69 100 , 1972 , Netherlands

"Exile on Main Street" is the Rolling Stones' gritty, sprawling masterpiece from 1972. This double LP captures the band at their rawest, blending blues, rock, and country influences into a loose, jam-heavy sound. It's a sonic journey through the highs and lows of rock 'n' roll excess, with classics

Exile On Main Street (1972, Netherlands) 12" Vinyl LP
ROLLING STONES - Flowers (Two German Versions)
ROLLING STONES - Flowers (Two German Versions) album front cover vinyl record

The German pressings of the Rolling Stones' "Flowers" offer a unique glimpse into the band's mid-60s output. These 1967 releases compile tracks not included on US albums, featuring hits like "Ruby Tuesday" and "Let's Spend the Night Together."

Flowers - Decca Records Edition Flowers - Royal Sound Edition
ROLLING STONES - Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out
ROLLING STONES - Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out (1970, France)
 album front cover vinyl record

Decca SKL 5065 (FFSS)   , 1970 , France

"Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out!" is a legendary live Rolling Stones album, capturing their raw energy and bluesy roots in 1969. Featuring electrifying performances of classics like "Jumpin' Jack Flash" and "Sympathy for the Devil," it's considered one of the greatest live rock albums ever.

Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out (1970, France) 12" Vinyl LP
ROLLING STONES - Goats Head Soup
ROLLING STONES - Goats Head Soup (1973, Germany) 
 album front cover vinyl record

COC 59101 , 1973 , Germany

"Goats Head Soup" is a classic Rolling Stones album from 1973, featuring the iconic ballad "Angie." It showcases the band's signature bluesy rock sound with a touch of experimentation, making it a must-have for any vinyl collector.

Goats Head Soup (1973, Germany) 12" Vinyl LP
ROLLING STONES - It's Only Rock and Roll
ROLLING STONES - It's Only Rock and Roll (1974, Germany)  album front cover vinyl record

 Rolling Stones Records COC 59 103 , 1974 , Germany

The Rolling Stones' 1974 album, "It's Only Rock 'n Roll," is a raw and energetic journey through a band in transition. The title track encapsulates their rebellious spirit, a statement of purpose in a changing music landscape. While some tracks stay true to their bluesy roots

It's Only Rock and Roll (1974, Germany) 12" Vinyl LP
ROLLING STONES - Let it Bleed (1969, England) 
 album front cover vinyl record

Decca SKL 5025 FFSS / XZAL 9363 , 1969 , England

"Let It Bleed," released in 1969, is a blues-infused rock masterpiece by the Rolling Stones. This iconic album features raw energy and dark undertones, capturing the turbulent spirit of the late '60s. Tracks like "Gimme Shelter" and "You Can't Always Get What You Want" showcase the band's musical maturity

Let it Bleed (1969, England) 12" Vinyl LP
ROLLING STONES - Made In The Shade
ROLLING STONES - Made In The Shade (1975, Germany) album front cover vinyl record

  COC 59 104 , 1975 , Germany

"Made In The Shade," released in 1975, is a compilation album showcasing the Rolling Stones' iconic hits from the early 1970s. It features essential tracks like "Brown Sugar," "Tumbling Dice," and "Angie," providing a snapshot of the band's peak during that era.

Made In The Shade (1975, Germany) 12" Vinyl LP
Thumbnail of ROLLING STONES - No 2 / Vol 2 (1970, Holland)
 album front cover

LONDON 820 673  , 1970 , Netherlands

Released in 1965, "The Rolling Stones No. 2" captures the band's early raw energy and passion for blues and R&B. Filled with electrifying covers and Jagger/Richards originals, it showcases their musical exploration and establishes them as a driving force in the British Invasion.

No 2 / Vol 2 (1970, Holland) 12" LP
ROLLING STONES - Out Of Our Heads (Netherlands and USA Releases)
Thumbnail of ROLLING STONES - Out Of Our Heads (1965, Netherlands)   album front cover

 Decca – 6835 107 , 1965 , Netherlands

"Out Of Our Heads," released in 1965, showcases the Rolling Stones' evolution. The album's blend of blues covers and Jagger/Richards originals, including their iconic "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction," perfectly captures their raw energy and rebellious spirit. It's a pivotal record that cemented their place

- Out Of Our Heads (1965, Netherlands) - Out Of Our Heads (1965, USA)
ROLLING STONES - Rolled Gold (German Releases)
Thumbnail of ROLLING STONES - Rolled Gold Decca Records (1975, Germany)
 album front cover

"Rolled Gold," released in 1975, is a classic Rolling Stones compilation featuring their biggest hits from the 1960s and early '70s. It's a perfect introduction for new fans or a nostalgic trip for longtime listeners, showcasing the band's evolution from bluesy rockers to stadium-filling icons.

Rolled Gold on Decca Records, Germany Rolled Gold on Nova Records Germany
Thumbnail of ROLLING STONES - Self-Titled (1982, DDR) album front cover

Record Label Information: , 1982 , East-Germany

This 12" vinyl LP serves as a compilation, showcasing the Stones' artistic progression within the given time frame. With a blend of timeless classics, it reflects the band's influential contributions to the music scene, leaving an indelible mark on the cultural landscape of that era.

ROLLING STONES - Self-Titled (1982, DDR/East Germany) 12" LP
Thumbnail of ROLLING STONES - Self-Titled (1984, Holland)  album front cover

London 820 047   , 1984 , Holland

"The Rolling Stones" is the debut album by The Rolling Stones, originallly released in the UK in April 1964. This is the 1984 re-issue and can be easily recognized by the barcode in the upper right corner of the album back cover and the (c) Copyright printed on the record's label,

ROLLING STONES - Self-Titled (1984, Holland) 12" LP
ROLLING STONES - Self-titled
ROLLING STONES - Self-titled (1973, Switzerland)  album front cover vinyl record

Decca S 17 005 (ML+)   , 1973 , Germany

Unveiling a musical rarity: The Rolling Stones' 1973 self-titled Swiss vinyl, a German-crafted masterpiece with +ML+ imprint, blending exclusivity and timeless rock allure.

ROLLING STONES - Self-titled (1973, Switzerland) 12" Vinyl LP
ROLLING STONES - Slow Rollers (1981, Holland) album front cover vinyl record

Decca TAB 30 / KZAL ARL 17148 , 1981 , Holland

"Slow Rollers," a ballad compilation on 12" Vinyl LP by the Rolling Stones, showcases their emotive side. Notably, "Con Le Mie Lagrime Cosi (As Tears Go By)," sung in Italian by Mick Jagger, adds a unique touch

Slow Rollers (1981, Holland) 12" Vinyl LP
ROLLING STONES - Some Girls (International Versions)
ROLLING STONES - Some Girls (Multiple Versions) album front cover vinyl record

The Rolling Stones' 1978 album, "Some Girls," marked a turning point, introducing guitarist Ron Wood and showcasing a shift in their sound. While retaining their rock n' roll roots, they embraced elements of punk, disco, and new wave, resulting in a diverse and commercially successful album.

European Release of "Some Girls" with alternate cover Italian Release of "Some Girls" with alternate cover Netherlands Release of "Some Girls" with original cover Swedish Release of "Some Girls" with original cover
ROLLING STONES - Steel Wheels (1989 Holland) album front cover vinyl record

CBS 465752 , 1989 , Holland

Released in 1989, "Steel Wheels" marks a triumphant return for the Rolling Stones. This album showcases a rejuvenated band delivering a blend of classic rock energy and polished production. With catchy hooks and powerful performances, "Steel Wheels" is a testament to the Stones' enduring appeal.

Steel Wheels (1989 Holland) 12" Vinyl LP
ROLLING STONES - Sticky Fingers (International Versions)
ROLLING STONES - Stick Fingers (Multiple International Versions) album front cover vinyl record

"Sticky Fingers," the iconic album by the Rolling Stones, achieved global renown not only for its timeless music but also for the distinctive front cover designed by the legendary artist Andy Warhol. A collector's delight, this album holds a unique allure for vinyl enthusiasts

Sticky Fingers with real ZIPP Zipper (1971, Germany) Sticky Fingers Real working zipper (1971, Germany) Sticky Fingers with Rounded PAN Zipper (1971, Netherlands) Sticky Fingers CBS NL (Netherlands) Sticky Fingers (United Kingdom)
ROLLING STONES - Still Life American Concert 1981 (Multiple European Releases) 12" Vinyl LP
ROLLING STONES - Still Life American Concert 1981 (1982 EEC) album front cover vinyl record

Rolling Stones' zenith: A 1981 live album, encapsulated in a 12" Vinyl LP, is a sonic time capsule, showcasing the band's prowess and contributing profoundly to music history. A must-have for enthusiasts, reliving the magic of that era.

European Release of "Still Life American Concert 1981" German Release of "Still Life American Concert 1981"
ROLLING STONES - Stone Age/Got Live if you want it
ROLLING STONES - Stone Age/Got Live if you want it  album front cover vinyl record

Decca SD 3024 / ZAL 10 432 , 1971 , Germany

"Stone Age/Got Live If You Want It!" is a unique Rolling Stones release, combining their 1971 studio album "Stone Age" with the live EP "Got Live If You Want It!" from 1966. "Stone Age" features a mix of bluesy rock and psychedelic experimentation, while the live EP captures the band's raw energy

Stone Age/Got Live if you want it 12" Vinyl 2LP
ROLLING STONES - Tattoo You (Multiple International Releases)
ROLLING STONES - Tattoo You album front cover vinyl record

In 1981, The Rolling Stones unveiled "Tattoo You," a 12" Vinyl LP Album that proved to be a remarkable compilation of previously unreleased gems from their 1970s recordings. With its release, the band skillfully curated a timeless collection, showcasing their musical prowess

The European Release of Tattoo You The French Release of Tattoo You The USA Release of Tattoo You
ROLLING STONES - Their Satanic Majestic Request (Multiple Versions)
ROLLING STONES - Their Satanic Majestic Request ( 1967 Germany )  album front cover vinyl record

Released in 1967, "Their Satanic Majesties Request" marks a bold departure for the Rolling Stones. This psychedelic-tinged album features unconventional instrumentation and studio effects, creating a dreamlike and experimental soundscape.

German Version of "Their Satanic Majestic Request" Holland release of "Their Satanic Majestic Request"
ROLLING STONES - Time Waits For No One (Multiple Versions)
ROLLING STONES - Time Waits For No One  (1979 Germany) 
 album front cover vinyl record

"Time Waits for No One" is a Rolling Stones compilation released in 1979, offering a taste of their music from 1971 to 1977. It features a mix of well-known hits like "Angie" and "It's Only Rock 'n' Roll," along with deeper cuts, providing a glimpse into the band's evolution during that period.

German Release of "Time Waits For No One" Dutch Release of "Time Waits For No One"
ROLLING STONES - Undercover (Multiple International Versions) 12" Vinyl LP
ROLLING STONES - Undercover (1983 France)  album front cover vinyl record

Released in 1983, "Undercover" showcases the Rolling Stones' edgier side. This album features a mix of hard-hitting rock, reggae influences, and experimental textures. Tracks like "Undercover of the Night" and "Too Much Blood" explore darker themes with a raw, contemporary sound.

French Release of Undercover USA Release of Undercover
ROLLING STONES - 7" Singles & 12" Maxi-Singles
THE ROLLING STONES Vinyl 7" Singles, 10" EP'S And 12"  Maxi-Singles  album front cover vinyl record

A Collection of 7" Singles and 12" Maxi Records by the Rolling Stones

ROLLING STONES - 7" Singles & 12" Maxi-Singles
ROLLING STONES - Live on Unofficial Vinyl Records
ROLLING STONES - Live on Unofficial Vinyl Albums album front cover vinyl record

This collection features three unofficial Rolling Stones recordings from the 60s and 70s. Each disc is identified by the initials "R.S." on the cover, but in different colors.

ROLLING STONES - Live on Unofficial Vinyl Records
ROLLING STONES - Assorted Picture Discs, LP's
ROLLING STONES - Assorted Picture Discs, LP's album front cover vinyl record

A hodgepodge of Rolling Stones vinyl records from different categories

ROLLING STONES - Assorted Picture Discs, LP's