This album "NEW GLADIATORS" is a split/compilation album of various heavy metal bands from the early 80s. Like Pretty Maids, Vengeance, Trust, Black 'n' Blue, Hanoi Rocks, 220 Volt, Madam X, Kick Axe, Quiet Riot, Fastway, Horizon and Stevie

This web-page contains transcripts of the original liner notes with brief biographies of the Hard Rock / Heavy Metal bands:>.

Large Hires Front Page Photo
Transcript of the album's liner notes (in English, French and German)


The "Pretty Maids" band are:
PETE COLLINS - lead guitar
KEN HAMMER - lead guitar
ALAN OWEN - keyboards

English Text

PRETTY MAIDS rose in 1981 from the dreams (or nightmares) of KENNETH HAMMER in the town of Horsens (Denmark). After a series of demos financed by the newly formed band, PRETTY MAIDS signed to Bullet Records in London for a 6 track mini-LP. Meanwhile PRETTY MAIDS embarked on a Scandinavian tour, opening for Black Sabbath. In late 1983. KERRANG proclaims them "Band of the Year". After supporting Judas Priest in Copenhagen, they release this new LP, "RED, HOT & HEAVY". It'll make you bang your head faster than a hummingbird flaps its wings - instant Nirvana guaranteed.

French text:

Dans sa ville d'Horsens au Danemark, Kenneth Hammer revait forrnerait un groupe de hard. En 1981 le reve devient dure realite. Apres quelques maquettes payees par le groupe, PRETTY MAIDS passe un contrat pour un mini-LP avec Bullet Records a Londres. Sans perdre de temps, PRETTY MAIDS part en tournee avec Black Sabbath. Fin 1983 KERRANG les proclame "Groupe de l'annee. Leur nouvel album RED, HOT & HEAVY, sort apres leur tournee avec Judas Priest. Autant vous colter un marteau-piqueur sur les tympans. Delicieux.

German Text:

Aus den (Alp-) Traumen von Ken Hammer wurden 1981 in Horsens:Danemark die Pretty Maids geboren. Eine Reihe selbstfinanzierter Demos brachte ihnen einen Vertrag mit Bullet Records in London fOr eine 6 Track Mini-LP ein. Eine Skandinavien-Tour mit Black Sabbath schloll sich an, ebenso die Ernennung zur Band des Jahres vom Kerang-Magazin und ein Gig mit Judas Priest in Kopenhagen. Kurz danach erscheint die LP "Red, Hot & Heavy. Der Power Rock der Pretty Maids Wit die Headbangers direkt ins Paradies abfahren....


LEON GOEWIE - vocals

English Text:

The new hard-rock generation could choose VENGEANCE as one of their best defenders. First single "Prisoners of the Night" has created an unprecedented demand for an album in their native Holland. They play loud, live and loud on vinyl. Keep the tulips away. They could turn into barbed-wire. And make sure your windmills are bolted to the ground.

French Text:

VENGEANCE pourrait devenir le groupe mascotte de la nouvelle generation hard. Leur premier 45T "Prisoners of the Night" fut tellement bien acceuilli en Hollande que le jeune groupe fut litteralement catapults en studio pour enregistrer un album le plus vite possible. Ils jouent fort sur disque et sur scene. Ces hollandais transforment les tulips en barbeles et les moulins a vent en ventilateurs.

German Text:

Vengeance koenten gut die Vorkarnpfer einer neuen Heavy Metal Generation werden, wenn man die Begeisterung als MaBstab nimmt, die ihre erste Single "Prisoners Of The Night" in ihrer Heimat Holland ausgelOst hat. Vengeance sind laut -live und auf Platte. Bringt die Tulpen in Sicherheit und nagelt die Windmithlen fest!


The TRUST band is:
BERNIE- vocals
NONO - guitar
VIVI - bass
FARID - drums

English Text:

Unquestioned leader of hard rock bands in France. TRUST has created anthems such as 'Anti-social' and 'Fatality' chanted by hundreds of thousands of fans. Opening for Iron Maiden in England or checking in for Rockpalast in Germany, TRUST is where metal is getting heavier. Their new album is simply called "ROCK 'N ROLL"-you can trust them when they clench their fists.

French Text:

Premier groupe francais de hard, TRUST a cree des slogans repris par tous - Anti-social/Fatalite. Partout en Europe ils ont forge le metal a chaud avec Iron Maiden en Angleterre et sur la scene du Rockpalast en Allemagne. Leur nouvel album s'appelle ROCK 'N ROLL - tout simplement. Mais attention, ce rock la se chante le poing en fair - pas autrement

German Text:

Ohne Frage die fuhrende Hard-Rock-Band in Frankreich! Die Trust-Titel "Anti-Social" und "Fatality" sind zu Hymnen hunderttausenden Fans geworden. Ob sie mit Iron Maiden in England spielen oder beim Rockpalast in Deutschland - Trust sind zur Stelle. wenn es darum geht, Metal zu Heavy Metal zu machen!


Members of the "Black 'N Blue" band are: JAIME ST. JAMES - vocals
TOMMY THAYER - guitars
JEF WARNER -guitars

English Text:

They wanted action. They moved from Portland to Los Angeles. And they got action. They opened for Quiet Riot, Dio, Vandenberg. Eight months later they were in Germany to record their first LP with Mr. Hard: DIETER DIERKS - (the man who put the sting in Scorpions). Their debut album is marked with the color that will last for ages.

French Text:

Ils voulaient que cela bouge. Ils ont demenage de Portland a Los Angeles. ca a bouge. Huit rnois apres avoir joue avec Quiet Riot, Dio, Vandenberg, ils s'embarquent pour l'Allemagne pour enregistrer leur premier LP avec Dieter Dierks (l'homme qui aiguise le dard des Scorpions). Leur premier disque s'appelle BLACK 'N BLUE - rien de mieux pour annoncer la couleur de leur hard-rock.

German Text

Sie wollten Action und gingen aus der Provinz von Portland nach Los Angeles. Sie spielten mit Quiet Riot und Dio und waren acht Monate spater in Deutschland, um mit Mr. Hard persOnlich, mit Dieter Dierks, ihr erstes Album einzuspielen. Black 'n' Blue - Farben einer groBen Heavy Metal Zukunft!


The band-members of "Hanoi Rocks" are: MIKE MONROE - Lead vocals, saxophone
ANDY McCOY - Lead guitar
NASTY SUICIDE- Rhythm guitar
RAZZLE - (t 1984) Drums

English Text

HANOI ROCKS is described by Melody Maker as a melting pot of the Rolling Stones, Clash and New York Dolls. Founded in 1980 in Stockholm (although they are from Finland) HANOI ROCKS strikes hard in 1982 with a No. 1 hit in Scandinavia-"Oriental Beat".
Their fifth LP -Two Steps From the Move" is produced by Bob Ezrin. who helped Pink Floyd to build up their "Wall" and Lou Reed to sing "Berlin". HANOI ROCKS is no doubt the last survivor of rock princes.

French Text:

Decrit comme un melting-pot des Stones. Clash et New York Dolls, HANOI ROCKS a vu le Jour en 1980 a Stockholm (bien qu'ils soient finlandais). Premier grand coup d'eclat en 1982 avec "Oriental Beat", 45T No. 1 en Scandinavie.
Leur cinquierne album "Two Steps from the Move" est realise par Bob Ezrin connu pour avoir maconne le "Wall" des Pink Floyds et guide Lou Reed a travers son "Berlin". HANOI ROCKS est le dernier survivant des grands princes du rock.

German Text:

Die 1980 gegrUndeten HANOI ROCKS. eine finnische Band mit englischern Drummer, machen auger durch mitreiBende Live-konzerte durch ein wild-verwegenes AuBeres und die klassische base-Buben-Haltung von sich reden. Ihre Musik ist eine brodelnde Mischung aus Alice Cooper 'Aerosmith'New York Dolls Mott The Hoople-Zutaten. "Two Steps From The Move" ist HANOI ROCKS' filinfte und beste LP. Produziert wurde sie von Bob Ezrin, der die besten Platten von Kiss, Alice Cooper und Lou Reed geschaffen hat. HANOI ROCKS sind die Erben der groBen Rock-Prinzen.

220 VOLT

The "220 Volt" group is: MATS KARLSSON - guitar

English Text:

Electric voltage in Sweden is no doubt "220" volts. "220 VOLT" is Sweden's newest hard-rock band with members aged from 17 to 20. After their first album to be released in major territories, "220 VOLT" is ready to plug the world into their new high-energy LP "Power Base". Before you get it, listen to the Christmas carol they rocked Santa with - "Heavy Xmas to you"!

French Text:

La Suede fonctionne en 220 VOLT. Ils ont de 17 a 20 ans et sont en train de reussir une carriere internationale. 220 VOLT sort son nouvel album "Power Base". Branchez vous dessus et en attendant de vous faire sauter les plombs, ecoutez ce "Heavy Christmas" qu'ils ont ecrit pour le Pere Noel.

German Text:

Gangige Stromspannung in Schweden sind 220 Volt - und 220 Volt sind auch Schwedens neueste und wohl such jiingste Hard Rock-Helden, denn die Jungs sind gerade zwischen 17 und 20 Jahre alt. Mit ihrem Debiitalbum verschafften sie sich schon gehOrigen Respekt, ihr Hochspannungswerk "Power Base" soli sie zu Anwartern auf die Heavy Metal-Oberliga machen!


The "Madam X" group Is.
MAXINE PETRUCCI - lead guitar
BRET KAISER - lead vocals

English Text:

Emerging from Detroit in late 1981. MADAM X are Immediately distinguished by their line-up: on side the Petrucci sisters, on the other Chris "Godzilla" Dolibor, who bongs his guitar on his head to got his lumps and Brot Kaiser, whose throaty vocals make trim a giant rock shouter. Despite heavy resistance from club booking agents concerned about seeing girls on stage, the band managed to tour for three years in the hardest conditions and were finally spotted by Jet Records. Their first LP "We Deserve the Right" was produced by Rick Derringer. It's a killer.

French Text:

Forme fin 1981 A Detroit, Madam X no pout so confondro avec aucun groupo. D'un cot() los soours Petrucci of do l'autro Chris "Godzilla" Dolibor, qui so frappe la tato A coup do guitar() pour faire dos bosses of Bret Kaiser, lo hurlour fou.
Au depart los organisateurs do concerts ()Mayes do voir dos filles sur scone, lour pormottont raroment do tournor. Tout cola &wait s'arrangor avec la sortie do lour premier album "We Deserve the Right" realise per Rick Derringer sur Jet Records. C'est un disque dos.) X.

German Text:

Schon durch ihro Besetzung fallen die 1981 gogrtindoton Madam X nut: die Petrucci-Schwestorn out dor oinon Solt°, auf dor andoron Chris "Godzilla" Dolibor, dor Baumann, dor sein Instrument mit dom Kopf boarbeitot, und die gigantischo RockrOhro Bret Kaiser. Don Clubmanagorn waren zwoi heft Rockfrauon auf dor Btiline oft zu riskant; donnoch waren Madam X droi Jahro Pang unter hartoston Bodingungon nonstop act Tour, bis Jot Records sio schlioalich unter Vertrag nahm und sio, von Rick Derringer, produziert, Ihro erste LP aufnahmon. Dor passondo Titol: "We Deserve Tho Right"?


The "Kick Axe" group is
GEORGE CRISTON - lead vocals
LARRY GILLSTROM - lead guitar, vocals
RAY HARVEY - lead guitar, vocals
BRIAN GILLSTROM- drums, vocals
VICTOR LANGEN - bass, vocals

English Text:

Out of Regina (Saskatchewan) comes the now Canadian hard-rock sensation - founded by Larry Gillstrom and Victor Langer) in 1975, KICK AXE had been on the warpath of club tours for 8 years and opened for JUDAS PRIEST on their latest U.S. tour.
After meeting George Criston (the lead singer) they got a deal with PASHA producer Spencer Proffer (Quiet Riot's producer) who monitored their debut album, "VICES".
"VICES" is their first LP with blade-sharp tracks made to cut your ears off.

French Text:

Cole par Larry Gillstrom of Victor Langen en 1975, Kick Axe est lo nouveau phonemene du hard-rock canadien. Originaire de Regina au Saskatchewan, Kick Axe tourne depuis 8 ans et so sont fait remarquer l'annee derniere en premiere parfie de Judas Priest aux USA. Leur premier album realise par Spencer Proffer (realisateur des LP do Quiet Riot) s'appelle "VICES".

German Text

Soil ihrer Grilndung 1975 sind Kick Axo auf ihrem "Kriegs-plod" durch die Clubs und haben z.B. auch auf Judas Priest's letzter US-Tour gespielt. Spencer Proffer, der auch fur Quiet Riot arbeitet, hat das kanadische Ouintett unter Vertrag genommen und ihr DebUtalbum produziert. Mit "Vices" fahren Kick Axe oino rasiormesserscharle Attacke auf Heavy Metal-verwOhnto Ohron,


The "Quiet Riot" Group is
Carlos Cavazo - Guitar
Kevin Oubrow - Load Vocal
Frankie Banal! - Drums
Rudy Sarzo- Bass

Rudy Sarzo, born in Havana on 18 Nov 1950, is a bassist who became a cornerstone of ‘80s metal. From Quiet Riot’s Metal Health to Ozzy’s chaos, Whitesnake, and M.A.R.S., he toured and recorded with legends. Inducted into the Hall of Heavy Metal History in 2017, Rudy rejoined Quiet Riot in 2021, the last link to their glory days.


English Text

Your condition is not that critical, Mr. Quiet Riot. Your sound Is big, you've sold 5 million albums in the States with your first LP "Mental Health". By the way you're maybe the hardest working road band with two hundred gigs a year. After having delivered a new album produced by Spencer Proffer, the only thing you want to do is "PARTY ALL NIGHT". Your condition is great.

French Text

Votre condition nest pas si critique, Mr. Quiet Riot. Vous avez la pectic). Vous oyez vondu 5 million d'albums aux USA avec votre premier album MENTAL HEALTH. Difticile do trouver un groupo qui tourno plus quo vous. (200 concerts par an). Votro nouvel album realise par Spencer Proffer Wont de sortir of vous no ponsoz qu'a lair° la foto (Party all Night). Votre condition est geniale "Condition Critical"?

German Text

Uberhaupt nicht! Allein von ihrem debut album "Metal Health" habon Quiet Riot in den USA Ober 5 Millionen StUck vorkault, stieflon mit "Condition Critical" obonso in hOchsto Chartrogionon vor und sind mit Ober 200 Gigs im Jahr oino dor am hltrtoston arboitenden Heavy Metal Bands.


The "Fastway" group is:
DAVE KING - vocals

English Text:

In the summer of '82, Fast Eddie Clarke resigned from Motorhead, announcing he was forming a now band. In little over six months an album had been completed revolving around the frenetic guitar capabilities of Fast Eddie, the powerhouse drumming of Jerry Shirley and an unknown 21 year-old Irish vocalist, David King. After the first LP, bass player Charlie McCracken joined the group. Produced by Eddie Kramer who worked with Led Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones and other top bands, their new album "All Fired Up" is a winner. Already named "new" champions of British heavy rock, FASTWAY is the right way to rock.

French Text

Eta 1982, Fast Eddie Clarke quitte MOTORHEAD et forme son groupe. Six mois apres un premier album sort. Puis mi-84 un nouvel LP "ALL FIRED UP". Realise par Eddie Kramer qui s'etait fait remarquer en travaillant pour Led Zeppelin et les Rolling Stones, "ALL FIRED UP" a permis A FASTWAY d'etre declare "nouveau champion" du heavy-metal britannique. Ecoutez la voix de Dave King (recrute A 21 ans), Ia guitare mitraillette de Fast Eddie, Ia batterie marteau-piton de Jerry Shirley et la basso du nouveau venu Charlie McCracken -FASTWAY - la voie rapide.

German Text

Im Sommer '82 verlieB Fast Eddie Clarke Motorhead und kUndigte an, sick bald mit einer neuen Band zurUckzumelden. Sechs Monate spAter war es so weit, Fastway legten ihr erstes Album vor und Fast Eddie-Fans jubelten! Mehr denn je hat es Fast Eddie verstanden, den Sound der Gruppe um sein frenetisches Gitarrenspiel zu bauen. Mit ihrem zweiten Album "All Fired Up", produziert von Eddie Kramer (Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones), sind Fastway zu Champions des britischen Heavy Rock oeworden.


JACK NOBEL EN - load guitar

English Text:

After a single demo tape in October 1984. HORIZON started recording their soli-financed debut album "Master of the Game". Elected Holland's most promising band by Dutch hard-rock magazine AARDSCHOK, HORIZON Is the new Dutch sensation. Load vocalist Avigal Shmoulik has the voice that can deliver genuine headbanging tracks as well as subtle, slow songs. Lead guitar Jack Nobelen will curl your spine while bassist, Marc and drummer, Arthur, will grind your bones to dust. HORIZON is master of the rock game - they make the rules.

French Text:

HORIZON a finance son premier album MASTER OF THE GAME juste apres une seule maquette. Ils ont eu raison d'y croire - leur magazine hollandais AARDSCHOK vient de les nommer meilleur espoir hard de l'annee. Voila de quoi stimuler A. Shmoulik, le chanteur aussi A raise dans les morceaux d'enfer que dans les ballades les plus calmes, Jack Nobelen le guitariste grand-frisson et les tueurs de service, Marc lo bassiste et Arthur le batteur. HORIZON est maitre du jeux. Ils font leur propre regles.


English Text:

Born between France and Germany, she was bound for an international career (so said an old fortuneteller). In her late teens she already prowled the frozen stages of Scandinavia's clubs. In 1981, Stevie released a first LP as lead singer of the hard-rock band SPEED QUEEN. After a second LP rated in France as one of the best of the heavy-metal decade, she comes back from New York with a solo LP. This new album is called "GYPSY". So is Stevie - without frontiers and on the rocky road to success.

French Text:

Une voyante avait promis qu'elle serait une star. Nee a la frontiere allemande, Stevie ne pouvait que devenir une artiste internationale. A 18 ans elle fait deja fondre la glace dans les boites scandinaves. Peu de temps apres, elle forme SPEED-QUEEN, du cote de Mulhouse. Fin 1984 elle revient de New York avec un album solo. II s'appelle GYPSY -comme Stevie, sur la route et sans frontieres.

Music Genre:

Heavy Metal / Hard Rock 

Album Production Information:

The album: "NEW GLADIATORS - VA Heavy Metal Compilation" was produced by:

Album cover design: Gerard Duboscq

Record Label & Catalognr:

EPIC 26283

Media Format:

12" LP Vinyl Stereo Gramophone Record
Total Album (Cover+Record) weight: 230 gram  

Year & Country:

1985 Made in Netherlands
Tracklisting Side One:
  1. Pretty Maids - Fortuna 0:24
  2. Pretty Maids - Back To Back 3:33
  3. Vengeance - Get Out 5:03
  4. Trust - I Shall Return 4:28
  5. Black 'N Blue - Autoblast 3:52
  6. Hanoi Rocks - High School 3:56
  7. 220 Volt - Heavy Christmas 3:31
Tracklisting Side Two:
  1. Madam X - Come On, Come All 3:06
  2. Kick Axe - Heavy Metal Shuffle 3:14
  3. Quiet Riot - Party All Night 3:32
  4. Fastway - All Fired Up 2:43
  5. Horizon - I Need Your Love 3:42
  6. Stevie - Without You 5:18
High Quality Photo of Album Front Cover  "NEW GLADIATORS - VA Heavy Metal Compilation"
Album Back Cover  Photo of "NEW GLADIATORS - VA Heavy Metal Compilation"
Album Back Cover  Photo of "NEW GLADIATORS - VA Heavy Metal Compilation"
Inner Sleeve   of "NEW GLADIATORS - VA Heavy Metal Compilation" Album
Inner Sleeve   of "NEW GLADIATORS - VA Heavy Metal Compilation" Album
Photo of "NEW GLADIATORS - VA Heavy Metal Compilation" Album's Inner Sleeve  
Inner Sleeve   of "NEW GLADIATORS - VA Heavy Metal Compilation" Album
Photo of "NEW GLADIATORS - VA Heavy Metal Compilation" 12" LP Record
Photo of "NEW GLADIATORS - VA Heavy Metal Compilation" 12" LP Record  

Note: The images on this page are photos of the actual album. Slight differences in color may exist due to the use of the camera's flash.

Red, Hot and Heavy: The Complete Vinyl Discography of Pretty Maids, Denmark's Trailblazing Heavy Metal Band.
PRETTY MAIDS - Future World
PRETTY MAIDS - Future World album front cover vinyl record

Behind the scenes, the production of "Future World" was entrusted to the seasoned hands of Eddie Kramer, a name synonymous with some of rock and metal's most iconic albums. Kramer's prowess had previously graced works by legendary acts like Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, and Kiss.

Future World 12" Vinyl LP
PRETTY MAIDS - Self-Titled
PRETTY MAIDS - Self-Titled album front cover vinyl record

The early 1980s marked a pivotal moment in the evolution of heavy metal. As the genre gained momentum, diverse subgenres emerged, each contributing a unique flavor to the overarching metal experience. Pretty Maids entered this landscape with their debut album, riding the wave of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal

Pretty Maids (Self-Titled) 12" Vinyl LP
PRETTY MAIDS - Red, Hot and Heavy
PRETTY MAIDS - Red, Hot and Heavy album front cover vinyl record

"Red, Hot and Heavy" exudes a raw energy that epitomizes the spirit of heavy metal. The album is characterized by fast-paced guitar riffs, thunderous bass lines, powerful drumming, and soaring vocal performances by lead vocalist Ronnie Atkins.

Red, Hot and Heavy 12" Vinyl LP