BLACK 'N BLUE ( GLam Metal, USA ) Featured Vinyl Discography

Black 'n' Blue is an American Hard Rock, Glam Metal band from Portland, Oregon.

This web-page has detailed descriptions and background information on BLACK 'N BLUE and a selection of their best vinyl records of this band

Album Front Cover Photo of BLACK 'N BLUE
Label & Catalogno Band/Performers - Album Title Year Country
thumbnail of front cover
BLACK 'N BLUE - Black and Blue self-titled
thumbnail of front cover

BLACK 'N BLUE - Nasty Nasty Gene Simmons

"Nasty Nasty" is Black 'N Blue's third album. It was produced by Kiss bassist Gene Simmons. Incidentally, Tommy Thayer would join Kiss in 2002

  Gene Simmons is the pseudonym used by Chaim Weitz while playing bass in the Kiss band. He used the alias "Reginal Von Helsing" , when playing bass and producer for "Wendy O. Williams".