Coroner - Punishment for Decadence uncensored front cover 12" Vinyl LP Album

Coroner's "Punishment for Decadence" 12" Vinyl LP, featuring the original "uncensored" album front cover, has become highly collectible. The rarity of the uncensored version, replaced without the band's consent, adds historical significance. The visual display online enhances the album's allure, making it a sought-after gem for collectors and enthusiasts passionate about preserving the unique history of metal albums.



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"Punishment for Decadence" Album Description:

The Coroner's "Punishment for Decadence" album holds a unique place in the annals of heavy metal history, not only for its groundbreaking music but also for the controversy surrounding its original album cover. Released as a 12" Vinyl LP, the album features an original and rare cover that was later replaced by the record company without the consent of the band.

The creation history of this album cover reflects the intersection of artistic expression and corporate intervention, shedding light on the challenges faced by musicians in maintaining control over their visual identity.

The original album cover, often referred to as the "uncensored" version, is a striking piece of art that captures the essence of Coroner's music and the themes explored in "Punishment for Decadence." The intricate details and symbolism in the artwork add layers of meaning to the overall experience of the album. Unfortunately, the record company deemed the cover too provocative or controversial, leading to a decision to replace it.

The exact reasons for the replacement of the original cover may vary, but it is not uncommon for record labels to intervene in album artwork to align with perceived marketability or to avoid potential backlash. This clash between artistic vision and commercial considerations has been a recurring theme in the music industry.

Coroner, a band known for pushing boundaries both musically and visually, likely found themselves in a difficult position as their carefully crafted album cover was swapped out without their approval. The episode speaks to the power dynamics between artists and record labels, where creative control can often be compromised for the sake of mass appeal.

Album Description:  The Swiss thrash trio Coroner were originally members of Celtic Frost's road crew. They eventually formed their own group.

Music Genre:

Swiss Thrash Metal Music

Collector's info:

This album includes the original custom inner sleeve with album details, complete lyrics of all songs by Coroner. 

Album Production Information:


Produced and engineered by Guy Bidmead, Andreas Gerhard, Dexter, Karl Ulrich Walterbach.
Recorded and mixed at Sky Trak Studios, Berlin, May 1988.

Guy Bidmead, producer and sound engineer has worked on the vinyl albums for several Hard Rock/Heavy Metal bands during the 1980s. These bands include: Motorhead, Wildfire, Trojan, Warfare, Exciter, Deaf Dealer, Coroner, Vanadium.

Karl-Ulrich Walterbach: German music producer who transformed the heavy metal scene. Founder of the iconic Noise Records, he launched the careers of Helloween, Celtic Frost, and countless others. Learn more

Andreas Gerhard (Real name: Gørdi Gerhardt) is from Switzerland. During the 1980s he engineered the sound for a dozen of heavy metal music albums, for bands like Coroner, Celtic Frost, and others.

Micha Good is from Switzerland , in 1987 she design the cover for Celtic Frost's "The Collector's Celtic Frost (Single)" and designed the Logo's for "Coroner"

Record Label Information:

Noise International N 0119-1

Media Format:

12" Vinyl LP Gramophone

Year & Country:

1988 Made in Germany
Band Members and Musicians on: Coroner Punishment for Decadence
    Coroner's Band-members, Musicians and Performers
  • Ron Royce - Vocals/Bass
  • Tommy T.Baron - Guitars
  • Marquis Marky - Drums

Ron Royce (real name: Ron Broder) vocals and bass guitar player with the Swiss Thrash Metal band "Coroner" since 1984.

Tommy T. Baron (real name: Thomas Vetterli) guitar player with the Swiss Thrash Metal band "Coroner" since 1985.

Marquis Marky (real-name Marky Edelmann) drummer with the Swiss Thrash Metal band Coroner from 1983 till 1996. Also responsible for Coroner's album cover design during the 1980. designed album cover for "Celtic Frost's" album "Tragic Serenades".

Track Listing of: Coroner Punishment for Decadence
  • Intro 0:13 (unlisted on album cover)
  • Absorbed 3:43
  • Masked Jackal 4:47
  • Arc-Lite 3:20
  • Skeleton on Your Shoulder 5:34
  • Sudden Fall 4:50
  • Shadow of a Lost Dream 4:32
  • The New Breed 4:53
  • Voyage to Eternity 3:42
Album cover photos of : Coroner Punishment for Decadence
High Resolution Photo Coroner Punishment for Decadence  
Photo of the band: Coroner on the album back cover  
High Resolution Photo Coroner Punishment for Decadence  
Photo of the custommer inner sleeve
High Resolution Photo Coroner Punishment for Decadence  
Photo of Record Label 
High Resolution Photo Coroner Punishment for Decadence  

 Note: The images on this page are photos of the actual album. Slight differences in color may exist due to the use of the camera's flash. Images can be zoomed in/out ( eg pinch with your fingers on a tablet or smartphone ).

Index of CORONER Vinyl Album Discography and Album Cover Gallery

Coroner Band Information:

 The Swiss band CORONER is one of the most unique and influential bands in the history of heavy metal. Formed in Zurich in 1983, the band was comprised of Tommy Vetterli (guitar), Ron Broder (drums), and Marky Edelmann (bass/vocals). Their style combined elements of thrash metal, progressive rock, and classical music, creating a sound that was both aggressive and sophisticated.

 From their debut album "R.I.P." (1987) to their final release "Grin" (1993), CORONER consistently pushed the boundaries of what was possible within the heavy metal genre. They were known for their complex arrangements, technical precision, and socially conscious lyrics. Their music was characterized by intricate guitar riffs, intricate bass lines, and powerful drumming, all of which were brought to life through their masterful musicianship.

 What set CORONER apart from many of their contemporaries was their willingness to experiment and innovate. Their music was not limited to the traditional structures and conventions of heavy metal. Instead, they incorporated elements of jazz, classical music, and even electronic music into their sound, creating a unique and dynamic musical language.

 In addition to their musical prowess, CORONER also tackled a variety of social and political issues in their lyrics. Their songs dealt with topics such as environmentalism, war, and the human condition, reflecting a depth and maturity that was rare within the heavy metal genre.

 Despite their critical acclaim and influence on the heavy metal scene, CORONER never achieved the commercial success of some of their peers. However, their legacy lives on in the music of countless bands that have been inspired by their innovative approach to heavy metal.

 In recent years, CORONER has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity, with many of their classic albums being reissued and new fans discovering their unique sound. While the band has not released any new music since 1993, they remain an important and beloved part of the heavy metal canon, and their influence continues to be felt to this day.

Coroner Discography:

CORONER - No More Color

Thumbnail Of  CORONER - No More Color  album front cover

Noise International N 0138-1 / NUK 138 / Dark Wings Inc. , 1989 , Germany

Coroner's "No More Color" is a kaleidoscopic nightmare, a sonic vortex where thrash, prog, and jazz collide in a maelstrom of technical ecstasy. Vetterli's fretboard wizardry and Royce's thunderous bass create a labyrinthine soundscape, while Marky's drumming is a polyrhythmic hurricane. This ain't your daddy's headbanging music, this is a cerebral assault, a sonic Rubik's Cube that demands your full attention. Strap in and prepare to have your mind blown.

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CORONER - Punishment For Decadence

Thumbnail Of  CORONER - Punishment For Decadence album front cover

Noise International N 0119-1 , 1988 , Germany

Coroner's "Punishment for Decadence" is a sonic bludgeoning, a thrash metal masterpiece with a progressive edge. It's a relentless assault of razor-sharp riffs, intricate song structures, and Marky's machine-gun drumming. Vetterli's vocals are a venomous snarl, spitting out lyrics of societal decay and existential angst. This ain't no party album, it's a wake-up call, a sonic slap in the face that demands you confront the darkness within and without.

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Thumbnail Of  CORONER - R.I.P. album front cover

Noise International N 0075 , 1987 , Germany

Coroner's "R.I.P." is a thrashing debut, a raw diamond glinting with technical brilliance. It's a chaotic whirlwind of razor-sharp riffs, frantic drumming, and Royce's sneering vocals. While lacking the refinement of later albums, it showcases the band's burgeoning potential. Tracks like "Reborn Through Hate" and "Spiral Dream" hint at the progressive madness to come. "R.I.P." is a snapshot of a young band finding their footing, a raw nerve exposed and ready to explode.

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