CENTURY ( Rock, France ) Album Gallery & Record Collector Information

CENTURY French Rock Band and a selection of their Discography >

Century are a French rock band formed in Marseille in 1985. Led by singer and composer "Jean-Louis Milford", Century are probably best known for their single "Lover Why" from the album "And... Soul It Goes" in 1986.

CENTURY ( Rock, France ) Banner photo

On the discography listing below you will find CENTURY ( Rock, France ) vinyl records released during the 1970s and 1980s. For each record you will have the record company's catalognr, album title, year and country of release. Complete information for each record can be viewed by selecting the corresponding links. Albums have been ordered in ascending alphabetical order of the album titles. This information can help you to identify which particular release of the album you own.

Index of CENTURY Vinyl Album Discography and Album Cover Gallery

Century Band Information:

 Century is a French band that was formed in the mid-1980s. The band is known for its unique blend of pop, rock, and electronic music, which has made them a favorite among fans of alternative music. The group was originally comprised of four members, but has since undergone a number of lineup changes.

 Century's music is characterized by its catchy melodies, driving rhythms, and soaring vocals. The band's early work was heavily influenced by the synthpop movement of the 1980s, and their debut album, "...And Soul It Goes," showcased their ability to create infectious, danceable pop songs. The album was a commercial success in France, and helped to establish Century as one of the country's most promising new acts.

 Over the years, Century has continued to evolve and refine their sound. They have experimented with a variety of styles and genres, incorporating elements of rock, trip-hop, and ambient music into their songs. This willingness to take risks and explore new musical territory has kept the band fresh and relevant, even as they approach their fourth decade in the music industry.

 One of Century's most notable achievements was their contribution to the soundtrack for the 1999 film "The Matrix." The band's song "Lover Why" was featured in a key scene in the movie, and became a hit single in many countries around the world. The success of the song helped to raise Century's profile on the international stage, and brought them new fans from all over the world.

 Despite their success and longevity, Century has remained a relatively low-key band, eschewing the trappings of fame and celebrity in favor of focusing on their music. Their commitment to their craft has earned them a loyal fanbase, and has helped them to maintain their relevance in an ever-changing music industry.

CENTURY - Jane 7" Single

Thumbnail Of  CENTURY - Jane 7" Single  album front cover

Carrere Clever 13956  , 1986 , France

"Jane" is the 2nd single of the French rock band Century. Jane comes from the same album as for their single "Lover Why" from the album And... Soul It Goes in 1986.

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CENTURY - Lover Why 7" Single

Thumbnail Of  CENTURY - Lover Why 7" Single album front cover

Carrere Clever 13788 / Renaux Pianola Music   , 1985 , France

Century are probably best known for their single "Lover Why" from the album "And Soul It Goes" in 1986.  

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CENTURY - Lover Why / Raining in the Park

Thumbnail Of  CENTURY - Lover Why / Raining in the Park album front cover

Carrere Clever 13788   , 1985 , France

Century's hit single "Lover why" peaked at #1 (x7) in France and Portugal and #11 in Switzerland. Their second single, "Jane" reached only to number 35 in France.

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CENTURY - Lover Why 12" Maxi

Thumbnail Of  CENTURY - Lover Why 12" Maxi  album front cover

Carrere 8525   , 1985 , France

This is the original 12" Maxi and "Made in France" pressing of "Lover Why".

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