"HEADFIRST - The Enemy" unfolds as a sonic tapestry within the grooves of its 12" LP vinyl album. This musical opus, expertly crafted, showcases Headfirst's prowess in blending genres. Released on vinyl, the album delivers a visceral experience, with each track resonating with emotive power. "The Enemy" stands as a testament to Headfirst's artistic depth, making it an essential addition to any vinyl enthusiast's collection, offering a journey through dynamic soundscapes and compelling narratives.


Front Cover Photo Of HEADFIRST - The Enemy 12" LP VINYL

Headfirst's "The Enemy": A Sonic Exploration of the Early 90s Alternative Scene
Album Description:

Released in 1991, Headfirst's "The Enemy" emerged during a pivotal moment in alternative music. Grunge was exploding onto the mainstream, and bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam were redefining rock music. Yet, "The Enemy" carved its own path, showcasing a unique blend of hardcore energy, melodic sensibilities, and introspective lyricism.

Musically, the album is a dynamic journey. It kicks off with the raw intensity of "Mind of Man," featuring driving rhythms and Scott's impassioned vocals. The album then delves into more melodic territories with tracks like "Falling" and "Images," showcasing the band's versatility. Throughout, the album maintains a sense of urgency and emotional depth, reflecting the anxieties and frustrations of the era.

Thematically, "The Enemy" explores personal struggles, societal issues, and the search for meaning in a changing world. The lyrics are often poetic and thought-provoking, inviting listeners to reflect on their own experiences.

The album was recorded at For the Record studio, with Jim Monroe engineering and Brad Cook producing. The production team captured the band's raw energy while adding a layer of polish that enhanced the songs' impact.

Album Description & Collectors information:

The album: "HEADFIRST The Enemy" was produced by: Headfirst and Eric Garten

This album was recorded at: "For the Record", September/October 1990

Music Genre:

Alternative Rock, "The Enemy" is generally classified as alternative rock, with strong influences from hardcore punk. It blends the raw energy and aggression of hardcore with more melodic elements and introspective lyrics, creating a unique sound that resonated with fans of alternative music in the early 90s.

Record Label & Catalognr:

Cargo Records / Workshed

Media Format:

12" Vinyl Stereo Gramophone Record
Total Album (Cover+Record) weight: 230 gram  

Year & Country:

1990 Made in USA  
Complete Track-listing of the album "HEADFIRST The Enemy"

The detailed tracklist of this record "HEADFIRST The Enemy" is:

  1. Mind Of Man
  2. Falling
  3. Images
  4. Word Not Heard
  5. Unkind
  6. Driving The Salt
  7. Now Who´s Alone
  8. Crayon
  9. The Enemy