ROLLING STONES - Sticky Fingers 12" Vinyl LP Album

- German Release with Real ZIPP zipper

This album "ROLLING STONES - Sticky Fingers " has the real metal ZIPP zipper and is considered the first Germany release.

    Album key identifiers are:
  • ZIPP Zipper
  • text on album back cover
  • Tongue logo album back cover, bottom right
  • Label misprint Side A has two times "4"

Sticky Fingers is the ninth British and 11th American studio album by English rock band The Rolling Stones, released in April 1971. It is the band's first album of the 1970s and its first release on the band's newly formed label, Rolling Stones Records, It is also Mick Taylor's first full-length appearance on a Rolling Stones album, the first Rolling Stones album not to feature any contributions from founding guitarist Brian Jones and the first one on which Mick Jagger is credited with playing guitar.

High Resolution Photo ROLLING STONES - Sticky Fingers ( Germany )
Album Description

Sticky Fingers is a studio album by the British rock band the Rolling Stones, released in 1971. The album was produced by Jimmy Miller and recorded over a period of time in studios in London, Los Angeles, and Alabama. The album's release marked the beginning of the Stones' most creative and commercially successful period of their career, featuring a more polished and sophisticated sound that helped define the sound of rock music in the 1970s.

Sticky Fingers reflects a shift in the Rolling Stones' sound towards a more blues-based rock style, featuring intricate guitar riffs and a tight rhythm section. The album draws on a range of influences, including blues, soul, country, and folk music, resulting in a diverse and complex sound that helped define the band's musical identity.

The album's opening track, "Brown Sugar," is a raucous and infectious rock song that features Keith Richards' trademark guitar riffs and Mick Jagger's raw, emotive vocals. The song's lyrics deal with themes of slavery, racism, and sexual exploitation, reflecting the band's willingness to confront controversial issues in their music.

Other standout tracks on the album include "Wild Horses," a hauntingly beautiful ballad with a soaring melody and evocative lyrics that showcase Jagger's sensitive side, and "Can't You Hear Me Knocking," a powerful, bluesy rock song with a memorable guitar solo by Richards.

One of the most iconic features of Sticky Fingers is its album artwork, which features a close-up photograph of a man's crotch in tight jeans, with a working metal zipper. The photograph was taken by Andy Warhol, who was a friend of the band and an influential figure in the art world at the time.

The album's packaging was equally innovative, featuring a unique design that included a working metal zipper on the cover, a novel idea that had never been done before. The design was intended to be provocative and eye-catching, and it succeeded, becoming one of the most recognizable album covers of all time.

Sticky Fingers was a critical and commercial success, reaching number one on the charts in several countries and selling over three million copies in the United States alone. The album's success helped establish the Rolling Stones as one of the most influential and iconic bands of the 1970s, and its impact can still be felt in the music world today.

The album's influence can be seen in the work of countless artists who have been inspired by the Stones' blues-based rock sound and their willingness to push boundaries with their music and lyrics. Sticky Fingers remains a landmark album in the history of rock music, and its enduring popularity is a testament to the band's enduring legacy.

Production & Recording Information

  Jimmy Miller

Sound & Recording Engineers:

  Glyn and Andy Johns

Recording Location:

  Rolling Stones Mobile and Olympic Studios

Album Cover Design & Artwork:

 Andy Warhol


  Billy Name and Craig Braun

Music Genre:

Rock, Blues-Rock

Label & Catalognr:

Rolling Stones Records – 59 100

Media Format:

Record Format: 12" Vinyl Stereo Gramophone Record
Total Album (Cover+Record) weight: 230 gram  

Year & Country:

1971 Germany

Tracklisting Side One:
  1. Brown Sugar
  2. Sway
  3. Wild Horses
  4. Can't You Here Me Knocking
  5. You Gotta Move
Tracklisting Side Two:
  1. Bitch
  2. I Got The Blues
  3. Sister Morphine
  4. Dead Flowers
  5. Moonlight Mile

High Resolution & Quality Photos
Front Cover Photo Of ROLLING STONES - Sticky Fingers ( Germany )
High Resolution Photo ROLLING STONES - Sticky Fingers ( Germany )

Note: The images on this page are photos of the actual album. Slight differences in color may exist due to the use of the camera's flash. Images can be zoomed in/out ( eg pinch with your fingers on a tablet or smartphone )

Photo Of The Back Cover ROLLING STONES - Sticky Fingers ( Germany )
High Resolution Photo ROLLING STONES - Sticky Fingers ( Germany )
Photo of the inside cover
High Resolution Photo ROLLING STONES - Sticky Fingers ( Germany )
Close up of the record's label
High Resolution Photo Close-UP record label
Photo Side One ROLLING STONES - Sticky Fingers ( Germany )
High Resolution Photo ROLLING STONES - Sticky Fingers ( Germany )
Photo of Side Two ROLLING STONES - Sticky Fingers ( Germany )
High Resolution Photo ROLLING STONES - Sticky Fingers ( Germany )

ROLLING STONES - Vinyl Album Discography and Album Cover Gallery

Over the decennia the line-up of "The Rolling Stones" has been changed several times read the mini-biographies of the best known stones

MICK JAGGER Solo Records