"Unleash Your Musical Senses with Novalis' Mind-Blowing Prog Rock Gem 'Neumond' on Jaw-Dropping Orange Vinyl - Prepare for a Sonic Adventure Like No Other!" This web page has photos of album covers, inner sleeves, record labels together with production details, musicians and track-listing.
Summary: Novalis' "Neumond" is a mesmerizing prog rock masterpiece, perfectly encapsulated on a vibrant orange-colored vinyl LP album. With intricate compositions, soaring melodies, and ethereal vocals, the band creates a sonic journey that transports listeners into a vertigo-inducing musical experience. Each track on this 12" vinyl LP is a testament to Novalis' musical prowess, making it a must-have for any prog rock enthusiast. |
Music Genre: Prog Rock Music |
Collector's Information: Original custom inner sleeve with album details, lyrics of all songs by Novalis. |
Producers: Produced by Lutz Rahn |
Record Label: Vertigo 6435 150 (6435150) |
Media Format: 12" Vinyl LP Record |
Country Made in West Germany |
Band Members and Musicians on: Novalis - Neumond |
Track Listing of: Novalis - Neumond |
Note: The photos on this page are taken from albums in my personal collection. Slight differences in color may exist due to the use of the camera's flash. Images can be zoomed in/out ( eg pinch with your fingers on a tablet or smartphone ).
"Neumond" Orange Colour with two UFO's Vertigo Record Label Details: VERTIGO 6435 150, Made in West Germany ℗ 1982 Phonogram GMBH Sound Copyright