Toronto Peace Festival Planned


The Toronto Peace Festival, slated for July 3-5, will be held near London, Ontario, amidst a sprawling, scenic landscape perfect for a large gathering. The festival boasts a diverse lineup featuring major acts like Chicago, Johnny Winter, and B.B. King, along with symposiums led by prominent figures in various fields. A dedicated Peace Network of radio stations will broadcast festival-related news and information nationwide. Free macrobiotic food will be available, and comprehensive medical facilities will be on-site. Ticket sales will end on June 3, with organizers strongly discouraging anyone without a ticket from making the journey. "Caravans for Peace" are being organized to facilitate travel to the festival, offering support and information to participants. While some concerns remain in light of past festival tragedies, organizers are confident in their preparations and the festival's positive message of peace, hoping to build on the success of Woodstock and create a memorable and inspiring event.

Portrait Photo Of Johnny Winter

Toronto Peace Festival Planned
Published: 12 April 1970 Author: Kathy Orloff

3-5 July 1970 Toronto Peace Festival

LOS ANGELES — The Toronto Peace Festival will be held July 3-5 a site that is actually 100 miles west of Toronto, near London, Ontario, and the town of Parkhill. Adjacent to a 2,700-acre Canadian Conservation Authority approved campground which contains, among oilier things, a 200-acre lake, the festival site is 1,500 acres of light forest land, through which runs a stream filled with trout. The festival will take place at the center of a large plateau containing three natural amphitheaters. The main stage will present the musical performances, ami two secondary stages will be built for additional talent as well as symposiums, hosted by prominent authorities on ecology, science, the arts, and possibly even politics.

After 2 A.M., the stages will carry screens for films until dawn, and the festival producers (Karma Productions) arc trying to arrange for the premieres of several youth oriented movies. The Canadian film hoard also is expected lo contribute films. Mike Lang, the producer of the Woodstock Festival, is booking talent for Toronto. Signed so far are Chicago, Johnny Winter, Spirit, Proocol llarum, Taj Mahal, Booker T. and the MGs, The Youngbloodsand, B.B. King.A nationwide network of radio stations, which has been dubbed the Peace network, will begin broadcasting information, messages and developments with the festival, us well as other communications pertinent to peace. MORE THAN 'Id stations arc already committed to the network, and they will service cities from Alaska to New York and Florida.

Although 90 per cent are FM stations, there are more AM stations linking up. In addition to the usual concession stands, there will also he free food at the festival, with the menu and disbursal being supervised by the Yogi Bhajan, Ihc former New Delhi Customs Agent who has fed countless pilgrims in India. The emphasis will be on macrobiotic food, rice and the like. There will be 20 centers for medical and emergency care, and the Canadian government is requiring the promoters to guarantee $1.3 million for medical facilities alone, in addition" to their guarantees for sufficient water and sanitation.

Plans are also being made for a low-power radio station at the festival site, which would broadcast information as a public address system would. There has been some talk about broadcasting the musical performances over the same station — something that might be appreciated, since it is doubtful that even under the most ideal situation everyone would be able to hear what is going on. THE PROPOSED radio station, as well as the bulk of the logistics for the. festival, is being supervised by Mel Lawrence, who was operations manager of Woodstock. Lawrence carries the immense responsibility of overseeing site preparation, utilities, water supply details, security, purchasing, concessions and crafts, sound, lighting and staging.

The mechanics of ticket distribution still are being worked out. They will be crucial to the success (or failure) of the festival. There will only be a Fixed number of tickets sold. Plans now call for the last day of ticket sales to be June 3. After that date, no tickets will be available, and the constant reminder will be Hint those who do not have tickets should not bother to make the trip to Canada. There is no way of knowing if that will discourage anyone, but the insistence will be there. John Carpenter has taken a leave of absence from his post as entertainment editor of the Los Angeles Free Press to become U.S. coordinator of the festival and chief organizer of the "caravan for peace."

INDEPENDENT groups arc organizing convoys of cars and buses from all over the country to meet in Toronto and then move on to the festival site. There are three main caravans from different regions of the country, and the hopes are that all vehicles will be registered and inspected (by caravan people). With this registration comes access to free medical, legal and mechanical help. Carpenter is hoping that there will be Free shows along the way and That several college campuses will play host lo travelers as they pass through communities. The western caravan is scheduled to leave from Los Angeles on June 21, with caravans from other western areas to join the main convoy at predesignated locations.A book is now in preparation that outlines specifics — what to wear, what to bring, what to expect, etc.

ANYONE INTERESTED in joining the caravan, or simply in rinding out more information about the festival, may write to John Carpenter, 8780 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles Right now the festival looks like a model of order and organization. Hut no one knows what will happen until July 3. While the festival people are unflinching optimisls about the turnout, there are more than a few people who are holding their breath, remembering vividly Ihe horror of Altamont. Perhaps the best thing Toronto has going for it, in addition to its own togetherness, is the release of the Woodstock film, which inspires a positive kind of faith That is so badly needed now and will be even more appreciated this summer.

Source & Full Article: 70-04-12 San Antonio Express and News.pdf